Tuesday 10 June 2014

National Conference wants social media regulated

Government should make laws to regulate the operations of cyber cafes for the protection of children, the Confab stated.

The delegates to the on-going National Conference on Monday advocated and approved the introduction of a legal framework to check the abuse of the social media by its operators.

The Conference made the decision while adopting the recommendations of its Committee on Science, Technology and Development which was chaired by Daniel Maddo and Raymond Dokpesi, respectively.

It also agreed that the government should make laws to regulate the operations of cyber cafes for the protection of children and under-aged users.

As part of measures to strengthen the development of science and technology in the country, the Conference approved the establishment of a National Science and Technology Fund.

When established, the Fund would be managed by a Presidential Council for Science, Technology and Innovation including all the Nigerian Academies.

The envisaged Council will render accounts of its operations to the Senate either on an annual or a periodic basis as would be provided for in an enabling law.

The Conference also sought the setting up of viable military industrial complex as obtained in advanced countries to contribute to the development of science and technology in Nigeria.

In order to empower all registered professional bodies in the building industry to perform their expected roles, Conference called on then National Assembly to urgently pass into law, the National Building

The delegates also agreed on the establishment of Abuja National Museum of Science and History to encourage the younger generation in the study of science as well as to encourage research among academics.

Meanwhile, the Conference during the day received the report of its Committee on Agriculture jointly headed by Umaru Hadeija and Ifeoma Idigbe.

It also received the report of the Committee on Economy, Trade and Investment under the leadership of Bola Shagaya and Fola Adeola.

The report which would be considered on Tuesday observed that Nigeria had enormous potentials to become one of the richest countries in the world if all its potentials were harnessed and developed to full capacity.

Kudos Guys!

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