Sunday 15 June 2014

"Why I Lost Weight"-Richard Mofe Damijo

One of Nigeria's most respected thespians Richard Mofe Damijo, popularly known as RMD,  has in recent time been rumored to be sick, after recent photos of him looking somewhat frail  surfaced online.

The lawyer cum politician who is at present  the  Commissioner   for Culture and Tourism in Delta State has in a new interview explained his sudden weight loss. Continue reading after the cut:

I woke up one morning, to be precise May 9th last year and I weighed  120kg. I said this cannot go on. Neither of my parents crossed 60kg. I thought it would be sinful for me to keep eating and putting on weight and living an unhealthy life. I decided to just change my lifestyle. I didn’t diet, what I’m doing now is not dieting. I hate to use the word diet because when you say you are  dieting you have to stop at one point. What I did was  to change my lifestyle.

What I did was  to get somebody who knows about food. A lot of people don’t succeed when they diet because they don’t understand food. They diet, they drink a lot of shakes, tablets and all of that  and after a month they become bigger  than they were. What I did was very simple. It’s all about knowing the kind of food you eat and what it contains. I have a daughter (Onome) from my late wife, who is obsessed with calories,  weight gain and weight loss. She was with me all through  Christmas and New Year. She’s 26.  I love what I do now; I just eat well and exercise.

I feel lighter, but there are lots of people who feel I am too slim now. It’s about how I feel inside. I’m at my best physically. I have never felt better. I feel lighter, I don’t suffer indigestion. Now I weigh about 97kilos. All my clothes are gone.  You know they say “vanity upon vanity all is vanity.” This morning, I gave a guy about eight pairs of traditional clothes.

Typically, when one sheds a lot of weight, the skin sags, which makes the person look older and sometimes sick, so it is quite understandable. And just like her said, eating right and exercising should be a way of life, not just a weight loss plan albeit it's not easy at all. But the results which is being healthy and looking fit sure makes the hard work pay off. Some of us are still trying to gather momentum to start exercising Kudos to him.

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