Thursday 7 August 2014

Ebola: Jonathan orders purchase of protection equipment for health and border officials

President Jonathan has moved quickly to arrest the threat of the Ebola virus by ordering additional protective equipment for health and border officials.

The Ebola Virus came into Nigeria two weeks ago via an infected Liberian, Patrick Sawyer, and quickly spread to seven Nigerian health officials who took care of the now dead patient. The Federal Government has since been on alert to prevent the further spread or influx of the deadly virus.

The oil and gas sector is leading the effort to galvanise funding for the purchase of the protective wear. The special gear will reduce risk of infection to those who, by virtue of their jobs, may come in contact with victims of Ebola virus, and will be distributed to all federal hospitals beginning with border states like Lagos, Cross River, Kano, Rivers and Borno. Following presidential directives, health workers and border officials will also be educated on the use of said gear, along with adequate information about the Ebola virus and instructed on how to handle suspected cases of the virus.

The Lagos State government has been quick to move by securing its borders better to check all incoming persons. President, Goodluck Jonathan, commended the State’s efforts, and has urged all other state governments to follow suit. He has also taken things a step further by approving the purchase and distribution of extra protective gear for the country’s border officials who are usually the first to come in contact with passengers coming into Nigeria. This includes containment equipment to quickly and safely isolate anyone that tests positive to the symptoms of the virus.

Health workers, who are also at high risk of contracting the disease from patients being tested or treated, would also be given the proper protective gear, the President directed when he approved the purchase of the items. This is to prevent further contamination and possible deaths.

Meanwhile President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday met with the Vice President of the United States, Mr. Joe Biden, at the White House as part of the just concluded US-Africa Leaders Summit to discuss the spread of the virus in Nigeria amongst other issues. Both leaders agreed that the Federal Government and its American counterpart should join forces to combat Ebola threats in West Africa. Mr. Joe Biden told President Jonathan that the US government would be fully involved in the quest to totally eradicate the spread of the deadly disease in West Africa.

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