Friday 15 August 2014

Late Liberian Patrick Sawyer was brainwashed by powerful people to infect Nigerians with Ebola, says Fani-Kayode

Adewunmi Abdulateef Fani-Kayode is a Nigerian politician, essayist, poet and lawyer. He was a member of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). He was with the opposition's All Progressive Congress (APC) until June 2014 when he returned to the ruling Peoples Democratic Party. He was born in Lagos, Nigeria, on 16 October 1960 to Chief Victor Babaremilekun Adetokunboh Fani-Kayode and to Chief (Mrs) Adia Adunni Fani-Kayode. He is an Ile-Ife chieftain of Yoruba descent.

Below is Fani-Kayode's statement about the late Liberian Patrick Sawyer's mission to Nigeria:

"I disagree with those who have described Patrick Sawyer as a madman. He was not mad at all but just evil. He was a man that was on a mission. That mission was to spread the Ebola virus to Nigeria and to infect and kill as many people as possible with it.
He was an evil man with an evil intention and purpose. Worst still he was not working alone. Some people, and I mean rich, powerful and well-connected people, were working with him. As a matter of fact they sent him on the mission.
They cultivated him, took care of him, paid him, brainwashed him, gave him all that he wanted in life and finally asked him to go on a suicide mission to destroy the lives of others and spread the deadly disease. 
This was a clear case of bio-terrorism and Sawyer was simply a pawn in a bigger game and a wider picture. The motive of those who sent him was to spread fear and panic, to kill as many people as possible, to create a need for a solution to the problem, to prepare the ground for a new wonder drug that could cure Ebola, to create a massive market for that drug and to ensure that there would be massive profits from it's sale. 
As usual it is the unbelieving, unprepared, undiscerning and naive Africans that have been used as the prime guinea pigs. When will they stop destroying us and treating us with such contempt? When will they begin to see and treat us as human beings?".

I know not too many people will agree with him on his opinion...true or false?

Well, Fani-Kayode was the Special Assistant (Public Affairs) to President Olusegun Obasanjo from July 2003 until June 2006. He was appointed the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from 22 June to 7 November 2006 and as the Minister of Aviation from 7 November 2006 to 29 May 2007. To be continue....

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