Sunday 24 August 2014

‘You stinking French s**t!' Leslie Jordan and Frenchy nearly come to blows in the Celebrity Big Brother house after she cuts up his underwear

Catfight: Tensions between drama queens Frenchy and Leslie Jordan reached an all-time high in the Celebrity Big Brother house on Saturday

It’s only Day 5 in the Celebrity Big Brother house, but tensions have already reached boiling point.
And the chief culprit is Angelique 'Frenchy' Morgan, famed for her appearance on American TV show Rock Of Love, who sends pint-sized playwright Leslie Jordan over the edge when she goes on a revenge mission after being told to keep quiet.
Things kick off at 8am as the housemates are trying to sleep and Frenchy is barging around in the dark looking for her beauty products. Scroll down for more...
                     Unfazed: Frenchy was on a mission to annoy her housemates after they told her off for making noise

When an irate Leslie shouts at her, Frenchy responds, ‘I don’t give a f*** b***h. I didn’t even know who you were, so shut the f*** up’.
The Will And Grace star doesn’t take lightly to this comment, calling her a ‘w***e’, while former Strictly Come Dancing professional dancer James Jordan joins in on the name-calling.
He says: ‘Big Brother should get you a kennel, so you can sleep outside like a dog.’

On the warpath: The eccentric star declared war on her fellow housemates while claiming her actions would make her 'famous'

Glass of a wine in hand, she reveals in the Diary Room: ‘I don’t think they’ve seen the crazy Frenchy one. So far, all they’ve seen is the chilled Frenchy. If you try to screw me over, I’m going to ruin your life… 
‘Nobody can tell me what to do. If I decide something, I go with it and stick with it forever. I do not care what you’re going to think or say. So, keep talking s**t about me... It will make me famous.’
Despite being lectured on good manners by peace-maker Edele Lynch, Frenchy remains unrepentant and vows to show them what she’s made of.

                        Childish prank: Kellie Maloney decided to call a house meeting after Frenchy wasted their food

Wearing a pink bra and thong ensemble, the 38-year-old blonde starts cutting up Leslie’s underwear with a pair of scissors before storming into the store room and throwing spaghetti and rice on the floor.
Transgender boxing promoter Kellie Maloney and Leslie call a house meeting over her ‘inexcusable’ behaviour, but Frenchy denies any wrongdoing.
Hollywood actor Gary Busey – who used to date the scantily-clad star – excitedly declares: ‘It’s the Frenchy show!’
              Taking matters into her own hands: Frenchy goes for Leslie's designer boxer shorts with a pair of scissors

                                                  Unimpressed: Gary is stunned by Frenchy's over the top behaviour

But it doesn’t take long for Leslie to lose the plot, screeching: ‘You’re a sick b***h… I was your friend. I saw! You’re so pathetic. What a sad, sad excuse for a human being. I don’t know what happened to you as a child. Honey, you’re trash. 
‘You’re white trash and sell your p***y and sell your t***ies…You’re out! I saw you, you stinking French s**t!”
After being pushed to breaking point, Leslie tells the other housemates: ‘I’m going to s**t in her make up case!’
                              Front row view: The other housemates remained quiet while everything was kicking off

His sidekick James jokes: ‘Mate as soon as I need to push one out you go get it, I’m there with you!’
Frenchy is then seen giggling to herself and dousing water over her co-stars’ beds. 
But fiery-tempered star Leslie is more concerned with the state of his pink boxer shorts, which he claims have ‘sentimental value’ because his boyfriend bought them for him.

              In tatters! Leslie said his boxers had 'sentimental value' because they were a gift from his boyfriend

He shouts: ‘She’s after us. She’s cutting s**t!’ 
Gary, who didn’t recognise his plastic surgery-mad ex when they first came into the house, warns: ‘If she cuts any of my clothes she’s gone. Literally.’
Suddenly, things nearly get physical and Leslie looks like he’s about to strike Frenchy, while the buxom star pretends to aim a kick at him.
                                         Kicking off: The two divas nearly ended up in a physical fight

The pair are subsequently called into the Diary Room to be given a stern warning about their threatening behaviour.
The French star starts to feel guilty and offers a sincere apology to her fellow housemates.
She timidly says: ‘I just wanna say sorry guys, I freaked out earlier. I never break down like that. It’s not normal.’
                                 Heart-to-heart: The pair put their differences aside and explained why they overreacted

An emotional Leslie also reveals he is embarrassed about his actions and hot-headed reaction.
He laments: ‘They fly me all over the country and I speak at podiums to other alcoholics. Here I am going against everything that I teach.’
The pair soon head to the Pod together to apologise and decide to hug and make-up.
Frenchy keeps insisting: ‘I had a mental breakdown. It’s not me. I really liked you since day one. I was so mad.’
Meanwhile, Leslie gallantly offers: ‘My biggest character defect is when I lose my temper I have this inability to edit. I say things. I attacked you. This is an intense environment. ‘

                                            Friends again: The pair agreed to put their differences behind them

Source: Dailymail

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