Monday 22 September 2014

ISIS calls Obama 'More Foolish' than Bush in purported recording

Islamist militants controlling parts of Iraq and Syria have purportedly released a new audio recording warning Americans that "you will not feel secure even in your bedrooms."

The statement allegedly features Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani but its authenticity could not immediately be verified by NBC News.

According to a translation by security firm Flashpoint Partners, the recording calls President Barack Obama "vile" and "mule of the Jews" and accuses him of being "more foolish" than President George W. Bush. The U.S. has carried out more than 170 airstrikes targeting ISIS, and Congress voted on Friday to arm and train moderate Syrian rebels against the group.

"Mobilize your forces, roar with thunder, threaten whom you want, plot, arm your troops, prepare yourselves, strike, kill, and destroy us," the statement added. "This will not avail you. You will be defeated." It also appeared to mock the U.S. decision not to send ground troops to the region.
 "Are America and all its allies from amongst the crusaders and atheists unable to come down to the ground?" Another passage warned Americans and Europeans that "you will pay the price as you walk on your streets, turning left and right, fearing the Muslims." It added: "You will not feel secure even in your bedrooms."

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