Friday 16 January 2015

Schools in Guinea closed amid Ebola to reopen Monday - AP

Guinea's health minister says all schools that were closed following the spread of Ebola are to reopen on Monday.

Health minister Remy Lamah told The Associated Press in Accra, Ghana during an ECOWAS summit that the action is being taken "because the situation has improved."

In Liberia, the schools are reopening "next month," the charges d'Affaires of the Liberian Embassy in Ghana, Musu Ruhle, said.

Schools will remain closed in Sierra Leone, where the outbreak is hitting the hardest.
"We are monitoring the situation and would take a decision after that," said Sierra Leone Health Minister Foday Sawi Lahai. "We have imported thermometers to be used for surveillance in the schools. Once that is done and the number of cases keep falling, we would consider (reopening schools)."
Source: AP 

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