Saturday 5 November 2016

Address By President Buhari At The Commissioning Ceremony Of 500 Housing Units At Kalambaina House Estate, Sokoto


It is my delight and honour to be with you this morning to commission the 500 Kalambaina Housing Units constructed for the good people of Sokoto State. We thank Allah (SWT) for guiding us and for giving the State Government under the leadership of Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, CFR (Mutawallen Sokoto) the vision to address issues of good governance with passion and love for the citizenry.

Completion of projects started by the previous administration of H.E Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, is a demonstration of humility and a fulfilment of our promises to our people. I salute the efforts of Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri and all those assisting him in promoting democracy and good governance.

This ceremony is quite historic not only because it is the first of its kind to be held in Sokoto the Seat of the Caliphate by the present administration but also for the fact that it is taking place while we are in a festive mood – celebrating the 10th Anniversary of His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alh. Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar III.

Looking at the galaxy of the personalities that came for the Anniversary, as well as people who trooped in from all parts of the country and beyond for this happy event, it is clear to all that our traditional institutions are playing critical roles in the overall development of our fatherland.

Let me seize this opportunity offered by this moment to once more congratulate His Eminence, the Sultan for the invaluable contributions he is making in the development of the Nigerian polity. The Sultan has consistently proved himself worthy of his ancestors. He has continuously worked to promote peace and unity in the country. He has remained a leader, treading the path of his revered ancestors in building bridges of understanding amongst diverse ethnic and religious groups in the country.

It is our prayer that Allah (SWT) will continue to bless the Sultan, extend his reign and enrich us with more leaders of his exemplary standing.

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, the 10th Anniversary of His Eminence, the Sultan and events of its kind are not simply held for merriment but to provide opportunity for sober reflections. I am speaking in the context of the challenges which our dear nation needs to address through exemplary, disciplined and committed leadership in order to accomplish our aspirations for a strong and virile polity that will be a source of pride to present and future generations.

It is an indisputable fact that in the 60s, 70s and even in the early part of the 80s, Nigeria was reputed for its peaceful coexistence between the different ethnic and religious groups; the culture of discipline and patriotism was also highly safeguarded. Commitment to national development by all key players in governance was also visible.

However, the situation as we all know, has unfortunately changed. Events associated with the anniversary and importantly the relevance of value of the Caliphate system must be base for progressive and self-reliant nation where, every citizen, irrespective of creed or tribal affiliation is given opportunity for self-actualisation.

In this regard, the Sultan and our highly esteemed Royal Fathers, our traditional institutions and indeed all patriotic citizens of this country have to continue to work for peace, religious harmony and sustainable development of our country.

Every Government has the sacred responsibility of addressing the welfare of the governed in all possible ways. Provision of shelter to the teeming populace is in this context a priority for a purposeful leadership.

It is interesting to note that in fulfillment of his pledges to the good people of Sokoto State, Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal is making all possible sacrifices worthy of a leader. It is also pleasing to note that the 500 Housing Units being commissioned today are equipped with basic amenities required for a decent life. It is hoped that beneficiaries will make good use of the facilities to ensure the accomplishment of the lofty objectives for which the huge expenditures were incurred in making the houses available.

Looking forward, despite the enormity of the challenges facing us we are optimistic that by the grace of God our nation is destined to achieve greatness. Today economic recession is affecting our economy. But we are resolved to overcome challenges, fight corruption and ensure good governance for the benefit of our citizens. Our administration is poised to bring positive changes to all Nigerians.

Finally, I thank the good people of Sokoto State most profoundly for the warm reception accorded us and for the enormous support that has been extended to the present administration. May Allah (SWT) make these houses a source of blessing to the beneficiaries. May He also continue to guide, bless and protect us in all our endeavours.

I thank you all and God bless our country.

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