Tuesday 12 May 2015

Pregnancy row: Boy, 16, kills sweetheart, 14, and dumps body in his dad's blacksmith forge

Well-mannered 16-year-old Manuel confessed to cops that he'd turned violent and killed his 14-year-old girlfriend, Chiara Paez, in a rage.

She was reported missing on Thursday and had been missing for three days before body was found on Sunday with the help of sniffer dogs.

Her corpose was found hidden in a metalworking workshop on Manuel's family's property.

The authorities said the murder happened after the young couple had a heated discussion about their new baby.

A post-mortem examination carried out on the victim confirmed she was expecting and her corpse showed signs of having been brutally beaten up.

Police believe Manuel would have relied on the help of family members to dispose of the body and cover up her death.

Four relatives of the boy have been arrested alongside him, the Argentine newspaper Clarin said.

The incident happened in Rufino in Argentina's Sante Fe region.

Fabio Paez, the father of Chiara, told news show Todo Noticias: "This boy seemed a good lad and had good manners.

"To find her in this way was unbelievable."

Mr Paez told reporters he believed her boyfriend could not have acted by himself.

"She is a big girl, physically, a height of 1.70m and weighing 70kg.

"It's impossible that he had done this alone."

He said his daughter and the lad had been dating for just a couple of months.

Once news of the death spread, 400 locals congregated outside the victim's parents' house for an impromptu demonstration of support and to demand justice for the Chiara.

- Daily Star

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