Saturday 14 November 2015

Muslims are 'no more to blame for Paris than you are': Heartfelt letter goes viral following terror attacks

An open letter posted to Facebook on Saturday urging people not to 'lay blame at the doors of the innocent' has gained widespread attention in the aftermath of the Paris terror attacks .

Leigh Matthews, from Cardiff, posted his feelings about anti-Muslim sentiments following the attacks on his Facebook page earlier Saturday.

It has since been shared over 42,000 times - and counting.

In the open letter, he reminds readers that: "The people behind last night's attacks weren't Muslims, they were extremists using religion as vindication for their cowardice."

He also appeals for others to see the world as 'one family', continuing: "Treat each other as such, because what happened last night should bring us closer together."

His words have been praised by other Facebook users, with Han O'Connor commenting: "A lovely and very eloquently expressed sentiment Leigh. I could not agree more."

After admitting she had seen posts expressing 'rather the opposite', she added: "Pleased to see some positive words to the contrary."

Read on below...

''Can I just take this opportunity to remind you all that Mr Mohammed from your local shop wasn't involved in last nights attacks on Paris,'' the letter reads. ''Neither was Mrs Azeer from Lloyds Bank or her family. Kamal from down the road has never been to Paris, and his brother Abdul, the taxi driver, was watching the news in horror along with everyone else. The people behind last night's attacks weren't Muslims, they were extremists using religion as vindication for their cowardice. Please, I urge each and everyone of you, do not lay blame at the doors of the innocent just because of what they believe. They are no more to blame for Paris than you are. We are one world and one family. Treat each other as such, because what happened last night should bring us closer together, not make us lash out against our neighbours for a perceived religion affiliation.''

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