Tuesday 15 December 2015

'This is a government (APC) of sadists, run by sadists, for sadists' - Olu-Kayode

Former Aviation minister Olufemi Olu-Kayode is not pleased with the way the ruling government (APC) is running Nigeria and everyone is silent including the foreign media.

''If anyone believes that Linda Ikeji collected any money during the 2015 presidential campaign that person needs to have their head examined,'' he said on Twitter Tuesday. ''100 shia muslims are massacred in one night in Kaduna and there is no mention of it on BBC and CNN and no sense of outrage in our country. A man is granted bail but the minute he steps out of court he is dragged off the streets and whisked away yet there is no sense of outrage.

''This is a government of sadists, run by sadists and for sadists. They are cowardly, wicked, malicious, petty, vicious and incompetent. They are a government of liars, run by liars and for liars. They malign the weak and punish the innocent but God will see their end. They are soft on Boko Haram whilst they kill the shia, the christians, the Biafrans, the young, the old, the weak and the vulnerable. They defy court orders and mock the judges. They abuse power and defy the word of God. Instead of being just and true they are perverse in all their ways. May God curse them and may He bring them down. May He show Himself mighty in battle and may He avenge the innocent.

''Shame unto all those that have chosen to dine with the devil by joining this government. There is no fellowship between light and darkness. I would rather die than join a government of Haramites and closet fundamentalists. By the time it's over Nigeria will beg PDP to come back.

''Like the proverbial frog that is slowly being boiled in water but that does not even feel it,our people are being taken for a ride by Buhari. To sedate them and distract them from his monumental failures and their own misery  and hardship he feeds them with daily doses of lies, falsehood and sensational and unsubstantiated allegations of the so-called corruption of key players in the previous administration.

''Sadly they lap it up with joy and accept all they are being told without question. They forget that allegations are a dime a dozen and that trial by media does not often result in a conviction in the courts of law. Meanwhile as this obscene circus show of labelling everyone but himself as a crook and feeding the innocents to the lions continous, Buhari is destroying the lives of the people, ruining the economy, crushing his opponents, silencing his detractors, discrediting his adversaries and dividing our nation.

''The bottom line is this: Nigeria is turning into a police state where state-sponsored lies and propaganda hold sway and where fear, coercion and intimidation is the primary tool of governance. May God grant us courage and may the forces of light, truth and justice prevail. The problem with the Buharists is that they are cowards and bullies.They suffer from a lynch mob mentality:they have no sense of self-worth If Buhari asks them to eat shit they would do so gladly. If he tells them that their father is a thief they would agree with him and rejoice in the streets. They are a pitiful lot. More likely than not they are the victims of the deepest form of witchcraft and they have been blinded and bound by a terrible spell. As we pray for our nation we must pray for them too. They deserve nothing but pity and counselling.''

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