Wednesday 10 February 2016

Twitter reacts after Kanye West says Bill Cosby is 'innocent'

Kanye West's Twitter followers are reacting after the 38-year-old rapper told them on Tuesday that he thinks Bill Cosby is not guilty of all the accusations against him.

''BILL COSBY INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!'' kanye wrote and instantly his 18.5 million followers started tweeting all about Kanye‘s statement and it's easy to guess that most are not happy about it.

''Undermining the experience of the women involved in this situation is not the appropriate way to get album promo,'' one twitter follower wrote and others follow...

''Kim's advice to Kanye: "Tell them North tweeted it while playing games on your phone!"''

''Bye Kanye.''

''The gates are guarded by two Kanye Wests, one who always tells the truth and one who always lies. What one question.''

''It's okay guys North took Kanye's phone and posted that for some reason.''

''kanye west presents: how to decimate a year's worth of hype in 5 seconds.''

''Somebody gotta take Kanye phone.''

''Kanye going full Amanda Bynes.''

See the entire tweets @KanyeWest

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