Wednesday 9 March 2016

Oresegun Olumide opens up about his hyper-realistic paintings on CNN

Oresegun Olumide has been sharing his hype-realistic paintings on social media lately and the artworks have caught the attention of many including the most popular news station CNN.

Water is a recurring theme in his art because according to a popular adage in his native Yoruba language, "water has no enemy," the 35-year-old Nigerian artist told CNN.

The use of water gives a translucent effect and, he says, is "why it's difficult for many people to do."

Olumide pushes himself to create art that his community hasn't seen before and that is challenging for him.

Olumide studied Fine Art at YABATECH and graduated with a distinction.

                                                                  Oresegun Olumide

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