Thursday 2 February 2017

Blackface denies calling 2Face illiterate

Because he has been facing media attack after condemning 2Face's planned nationwide protest, Blackface denies calling his former colleague an illiterate.

See what he wrote on Instagram yesterday below:

''To clear the air people I didn’t call 2face an illiterate and I didn’t write the article as it clearly stated but I agree with some points pointed out by the writer especially how this present administration been releasing bail out funds in little time and other peoples loot bla bla bla….so I felt and still feel that instead of anyone staging a protest we all should put our hands on deck to rebuild our country with everyone being committed to serving the country so there can be peace in the land once more and these killings, corruption and political madness can go away, since I make music I have to be committed to making music that’s going to educate the youths and encourage them to go achieve their dreams and not put them in harm’s way because nobody knows should things escalate and get out of hand it falls back on the people.''

In Blackface's recent Tweet dated January 31, said,

''Don't go out to protest against anything people! it is useless and baseless especially in this sensitive period,dont be used by politicians.''

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