Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Nigeria polio cases drop to 6 from 50 in just 2014

This report according to Gates Notes, stated that Nigeria has been able to reduced the cases of polio in the country from 50 to 6 because of the infrastructure put in place and this has also helped in fighting Ebola....
''A lot of the media coverage about Nigeria this year focused on two things: Ebola and terrorism. Both are frightening, and they masked the fact that from a global health perspective, Nigeria actually had a pretty good year. Although it’s one of only three countries that have never been free from polio (Pakistan and Afghanistan are the other two), I don’t think it will be on that list for long. Nigeria has reported only six cases of polio this year, compared to more than 50 last year. What’s more, the infrastructure Nigeria has built to fight polio actually made it easier for them to swiftly contain Ebola. The fact that Nigeria is now Ebola free is a great example of how doing the work to fight things like fighting polio also leaves countries better prepared to deal with outbreaks of other diseases.''
Source: Gates Notes, a blog run by Bill Gate

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