Tuesday 12 May 2015

Justin Bieber gets really real about his bad boy behavior: ''I'm Sorry If I've Let You Down''

The 21-year-old Justin Bieber appeared on the cover of Seventeen magazine’s latest edition. Here’s what the entertainer shared about his bad boy behavior in the new issue of the mag.

On his year of bad behavior: ''I was rebelling a little bit. I was getting cockier and cockier. I didn't have people to check me. I looked back and I was disappointed in myself.''

On making mistakes: ''You have to own up to the mistakes. You have to say, I'm sorry if I've let you down. I always want to be honest and let people know that those mistakes aren't who I am. Who I am is someone who really cares about people.''

On healthy relationships: ''I need healthy relationships with people I can feel safe with. People I can say whatever to, and I'm not going to be judged. In a girl, I want someone who’s confident in herself and honest. I have to find her very attractive and as someone I can see myself with for the rest of my life.''

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