Friday 11 September 2015

Hungarian camerawoman apologises for kicking, tripping refugees

Hungarian camerawoman Petra Laszlo who worked for Hungary's nationalist N1TV news station has apologized in an open letter on Friday for kicking desperate migrants as they fled.

Video captured Ms Laszlo kicking people and tripping them up, including a man carrying a small child, sparked outrage when it surfaced earlier this week.

"I am very sorry for the incident, and as a mother I am especially sorry for the fact that fate pushed a child in my way,'' Ms Laszlo wrote in her letter published in Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet. ''I did not see that at that moment. I started to panic and as I re-watch the film, it seems as it was not even me.

She added, ''I'm just a woman, and now an unemployed mother of small children, who made a bad decision in a situation of panic. I do not deserve the political witch-hunts against me, nor the smears or the death threats.''

She was sacked by Hungary's N1TV station, which is affiliated to the far-right Jobbik party.

The station said in a statement that she had shown "unacceptable behaviour".

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