Friday 8 August 2014

10 years after Indonesian Tsunami survivor found reunited with family

Raudhatul Jannah (picture above) was just four when she and her brother were swept away by the devastating tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people in 2004. Scroll down for more....
Raudhatul's mother shows a photo of her daughter before the Tsunami

Her parents, who survived the Boxing Day Tsunami, gave up any hope and believed both their children were dead.

But in June, Raudhatul's uncle spotted her in another village and noticed the striking resemblance she bore to the niece he thought was dead.
Raudhatul Jannah's family was just four when she was swept away in the tsunami
She had in fact been picked up by fishermen while drifting on the Indian Ocean after the tsunami.

One of them reportedly took her back to his village where his mother raised her as her own.

Tests confirm it was her and the 14-year-old was reunited this week with her family in Aceh province, northern Sumatra, Indonesia.

“God has given us a miracle,” said Jamaliah, her mother, the New Straits Times reported.

Raudhatul's mother shows a photo of her daughter before the Tsunami

She was reunited with her family nearly a decade after disappearing
“My husband and I are very happy,” Jamaliah told Agence France Presse. “I am so grateful to God for reuniting us with our child after 10 years of being separated.

“My heart beat so fast when I saw her. I hugged her and she hugged me back and felt so comfortable in my arms.”

The tsunami killed 170,000 people in the Aceh province and tens of thousands elsewhere.

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