Monday 18 August 2014

Police officer who shot dead Michael Brown

Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, 28, pictured receiving a commendation for 'extraordinary effort in the line of duty' in February has been named as the police officer who shot dead Michael Brown, 18

Officer Darren Wilson, 28, was identified as the man who shot Brown on August 9

Yahoo News published a photograph of him today credited to his father's Facebook account  

In February, he was commended for 'extraordinary effort in the line of duty'

Wilson stopped Brown and friend Dorian Johnson because they were 'walking in the road and blocking traffic'

Police released CCTV stills of a robbery minutes before the shooting showing a suspect whose clothing and stature matched Michael Brown

A mostly peaceful protest Friday descended into chaos in the early hours of the morning

Looters reportedly broke into local businesses in Ferguson including one from which Michael Brown reoortedy stole a box of cigars

Other protesters tried to prevent them from looting

St Louis County police were ordered to stand down and the Missouri Highway Patrol took over

New photos emerged of the scene immediately after the shooting of Brown


Eye-witnesses said Michael was shot multiple times by officer Wilson as he turned around with his hands up. Wilson claims the teenager rushed at him full speed before he opened fire.

Meanwhile a woman who claims to have witnessed the shooting has released a video showing officer Wilson pacing back and forth beside the lifeless body of Michael Brown in the street. 

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