Monday 18 August 2014

Signs! Africans banned due to fears of Ebola virus in South Korean pub

A pub in Korea has shocked the world when it decided to ban all Africans for fear that they might carry the Ebola virus to the bar. Continue to read reactions and South Korean Restaurant Institutes “No Africans Allowed” Policy Over Ebola Fears

''I'll have one pint of paranoia, please.''

Signs posted outside of a South Korea pub over the weekend banned all Africans from patronizing the establishment out of fears from Ebola.

"We apologize but due to Ebola virus we are not accepting Africans at the moment," read the signs on the window at JR Pub in Seoul.

That's 1.1 billion people who would be banned from the pub — even though there are no reported cases of the deadly disease in South Korea.

It is not known who posted the signs, but the outrage was pouring in on social media after a photo of the offending messages was displayed on Facebook.

"I told them I was South African and after some deliberation they told me I could go in (I didn't)," someone wrote on Facebook on Saturday. "Apparently white Africans are okay. Total bollocks."

"I wouldn't want to drink with people who may carry Ebola, either," wrote another user. "But at least I have the common sense to know I am not in West Africa. Just avoid the pub. If they're this stupid, who knows what else goes on behind closed doors."

Some users reported on Facebook that the signs had been removed.

Read another below:

             South Korean Restaurant Institutes “No Africans Allowed” Policy Over Ebola Fears

South Korean establishments continue to make no qualms about their approach to avoiding the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, even if it reeks of racism. Two weeks ago, a South Korean university rescinded its invite to three Nigerian students over Ebola concerns, and now The Korea Times reports that a restaurant in the Seoul district of Itaewon has boldly instituted a “No Africans allowed” policy over fear of contracting the virus.  Two signs displayed at JR Pub read, “We apologize, but due to Ebola Virus, we are not accepting Africans at the moment.”

Reportedly, the restaurant lacks a sure-fire method of identifying exactly which of their customers is African, which leads to the assumption that they will screen customers based solely on their physical appearances. Unfortunately, an associate for the restaurant refused to discuss the details surrounding the decision or whether there is any possibility of the ban being lifted, telling the Times, “I really don’t want to talk about this.”

Fortunately, there are plenty of other people who do. Word of the restaurant’s sketchy policy traveled quickly throughout social media on Saturday as photos of the signs elicited angry online responses and calls to boycott the pub.

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