Saturday 1 August 2015

A three months old boy weighs less now than when he was born in China

A Chinese mother Ren Minge, 24, gave birth to Guo Enze 80 days ago in Chuandi village, north China,

Chinese media call Guo the 'alien baby' because of his bloated stomach, thin body and pale skin.

Guo Enze's condition means he has tangled intestines and no rectum.

The family's woes are also heightened as Guo's grandmother is also extremely ill and suffers from high blood pressure, hemangioma and infarction.

''I beg all of you to help my grandson,'' the grandmother said. ''He is only 80 days old and has not even seen the sun. If no one reaches out their helping hand, I am not sure how long this child will live.''

''This child could not excrete anything from the bum, so everything comes out from other places. Therefore we can not feed him that much, even if he cries with hunger. If he lives there is hope for the entire family,''Guo's grandfather added.

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