Tuesday 11 August 2015

Open Letter To President Muhammadu Buhari

Re: Unfortunate Killing Of Security Personnel In Niger Delta

Mr. President Sir,

Your leadership style since assumption of duty has left no one in doubt that Nigeria is finally on the part of re-discovery ‎following many years of neglect and outright inept leadership. You are setting precedents in diverse ways that continue to earn you respect across board.

I am particularly moved to acknowledge your clear zeal to uplift the Niger Delta region even as the votes from the region would easily have discouraged you. Your approval for the commencement of the clean up of Ogoniland will remain historic taking into cognisance that a son of the soil blew six years in the presidency without thinking it necessary to embark on such project despite pleas and public outcry.

Permit me, Mr. President, to also commend your appointments of ‎the heads of the Nigeria National Petroleum Company (NNPC), Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu and Niger Delta Amnesty Coordinator, Brigadier-General Paul T. Boroh (rtd).

Your appointment of the duo show how deep you consult before making choices as their antecedents and backgrounds show. For instance, Dr. Kachikwu – a first class material right from his days at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka to the Nigerian Law School ‎rose to become one of the finest technocrats of our time, becoming a highly versatile and experienced first class oil and gas captain of many years with an accomplishing Doctorate Degree in Law from Havard Law School. His position as Vice Chairman and General Counsel of Exxon Mobil saw him oversee compliance programmes – advising on issues related to adherence with compliance regulations and anti-corruption laws in Africa for the oil giant. This clearly shows a man suitably qualified to execute the needed reforms at the NNPC.

On his part, Gen. Boroh (rtd), a reputable and disciplined soldier cum author made his mark as a former Commandant of the Nigerian Army Peacekeeping Centre, Kaduna who worked in the resolution of the Sierra Leone conflict in 1999/2000 before becoming a Chief of Staff and Commanding Officer at the United Nations Mission in Liberia and Sierra Leone, respectively. It is clear that if intellect and experience is needed to man the very sensitive office of the Niger Delta Amnesty Programme then clearly, Gen. Boroh is a good and proper choice as he cuts the picture of a square peg in a square hole.

These appointments go a long way in defining your leadership quality as a true Nigerian and further assures the region, like experiences have shown in the past, that the Niger Delta stands to benefit more under a leader of northern extraction.

However, following the ugly incident of last week where some security officers were killed, it has become pertinent to apologise on behalf of the great Niger Delta youths and to assure you that the Niger Delta is with you and deeply regret the actions of the misguided elements. This recalcitrant attitude of these criminals is unwelcome and hence must be punished and atoned for.

I therefore, on behalf of youths in the region, felicitate with ‎the families of all the security operatives who were killed by so called pirates in the Nembe area and pray to God to give the families the fortitude to bear the painful loss, just as I urge you not to be deterred in your resolve to make violence in this region a thing of the past.

Mr President Sir, I also use this medium to call on all in the region to lend their support to you and desist from all acts capable of retarding your vision and humane disposition to the Niger Delta, just as it is also imperative to warn all trouble and mischief makers that the Buhari’s administration would not condone exuberances which tend to breed instability and disrespect to human lives.

Mr President Sir, our elders say when a man is acknowledged for his efforts, he is bound to do more and outshine his past achievements. We the people of the Niger Delta appreciate and assure you of our tremendous support.

Again, on behalf of the peaceful and loving youths of the Niger Delta region, accept my loyalty, highest esteem and regards.

I wish you good health, Godly guidance and heavenly wisdom as you lead this nation to the promised land.

Sincerely Yours,‎
Comrade Timi Frank

First published on Leadership

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