Monday 4 August 2014

'I want to adopt her!' Kim Kardashian 'falls in love' with an orphan while on holiday in Thailand

Kim Kardashian was close to following in Angelina Jolie’s footsteps after she 'totally fell in love' with a and orphan in Thailand and seriously considered adoption.

Kim was so taken with the 12-year-old child, named Pink, that she called new hubby Kanye West and told him that she’d like to take the girl with her back to America. Scroll to see more pics

The revelation came during the third part of the Kardashians' turbulent family holiday in Thailand, now playing out in Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Sunday's episode began with the pampered clan taking a trip to a local orphanage, a gruesome day trip suggested by a tour guide.

'I wonder what it’s like to, like, live in an orphanage,' mused Kendall Jenner en route.

'I’m really impressed with how happy these kids are with you know, so little of what they have,' said Kim who made a ‘special connection’ with Pink from the start.

'I grew up with such a strong family bond and connection, it make me so sad that these kids don’t have that family element,' she added.

The K-clan produced sacks of gifts for the children – including footballs, a volleyball kit and other sporting goods.

 'I wish my brother was here,' mused Khloe in a reference to troubled brother, Robert.

Kim sat on the floor to play Lego with Pink and some of the other little girls.

The bodacious reality star, who first shot to fame after releasing an amateur porn video, also got her hands dirty for some painting.

'I love and welcome this opportunity and I’m really glad that we’re here,' said the maquillaged  33-year-old mother of one.
The reality TV doyenne got a special hug goodbye from Pink and another girl.

Pink, who has markedly less possessions than the millionaire fashionista, gave her a bracelet for good luck.

‘She is so sweet, I like literally want to take her home with me,’ cooed Kim who then got on the phone to Kanye to discuss the options for adoption.

 ‘I told him, "honey, I would like literally adopt her"', she said.

Kim’s mother Kris Jenner was skeptical: ‘You can’t just go to an orphanage and fall in love with a child and then think that you can take them home like you're shopping,’ she warned.

‘You get so passionate about things,’ she said.

After speaking with the holiday resort’s manager, who had arranged the trip to the orphanage, Kim learned that the Thai government ‘does not encourage’ foreigners to adopt Thai children and remove them from the country.

She appeared crestfallen at the news.

‘That’s so sad,’ she complained.

Meanwhile Brody was intent on setting Khloe up with a Thai lover.

‘Me and these little Thai boys, I could sit on them, come on,’ joked Khloe.

Khloe later got upset about the breakdown of her marriage to NBA player Lamar Odom.

‘This will weigh on me for the rest of my life,’ she sniffed.

‘I didn’t want the marriage to end,’ she sighed.

At a ‘Muay Thai’ kick boxing match the men of the family looked for someone to hook up with Khloe – with no luck.

Back in the hotel Kim cussed the paparazzi, blaming them for Kanye’s temper tantrums and subsequent court case.

‘Honey has to do like 50 hours of community service because of one of those losers,’ she said while wearing a ‘Yeezus’ t-shirt.

She then recalled another incident ‘years ago’ when Kanye broke another photographer’s camera at an airport.

'Kanye went to jail, they arrested him, and you know you get to make one call in jail? So he called Mr Chow’s and ordered take out to be delivered to jail,' she laughed.

On the beach 'Momager' Kris reclined on a sun lounger and pondered about why her son Rob might be overweight and depressed.

'He’s gained 75 pounds and it’s devastating,' she said, lamenting the fact that he didn’t go on the tropical vacation with them.

'He needs to be around positive influences,' she said.

The family also entered a Buddhist temple to take part in a sacred prayer.

'It’s serenity and peacefulness, a good vibe to be in right now,' said Khloe who was beginning to unwind until Kim confronted her.

‘She’s trying to corner me and it’s pi***ing me off,’ said Khloe as Kim told her to ‘stop trying to take responsibility’ for Rob’s problems.

 ‘You really need to take care of yourself,’ said Kim.
Kim then revisited the orphanage with her mother.

 ‘Now I know I can’t adopt I want to donate whatever they need to make things easier,’ she said while distributing gift bags to the kids.

At the bar later budding model Kendall, 18, was groped by a stranger - causing Brody to play the protective brother role.

‘Did you just touch my sister?’ he barked.

When the man, whose face was blurred out, denied the charge but Brody slapped him around the head, causing his sunglasses to go flying.

As the suspect stood up to fight another man, presumably the Kardashian’s bodyguard, steamed in to escort him off the beach.

At the end the family ‘bonded’ by lighting paper lanterns on the beach and letting them drift away.

‘Each and every one of us have something that we need to let go of so I’ve set up this really amazing lantern releasing ceremony,’ said Kris.

 ‘It’s where you take a lantern and imagine something you want to get rid of inside it and then you release it into the sky,’ she added wistfully.

 ‘I’m letting go of fear,’ said Kris.

 ‘I’m letting go of my young self and the past and becoming independent and moving out,’ said Kendall.

 Source: Dailymail

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