Friday 22 May 2015

SNAPPED: Arsenal fan's letter from The Queen after he wrote asking for FA Cup Final tickets

Desperate Gunners fan Charlie Pearce asked Her Majesty whether she could sort him out entry to the game at Wembley against Aston Villa.

Only 25,000 seats were allocated to each club for the match next Sunday - leading to a frantic scramble for tickets.

And even the head of the entire United Kingdom couldn't manage to get her hands on some for Charlie and his mate
"The Queen has asked me thank you for your letter of 5th May, telling Her Majesty how pleased you are that your favourite football team, Arsenal, are in the FA Cup Final which will be held at Wembley on 30th May. Your request for The Queen to help you get tickets for yourself and your friend Leo Murphy has been carefully noted, however, I am afraid that this is not a matter with which Her Majesty would be able to assist you. I am sorry to send you a disappointing reply. Nevertheless, The Queen hopes you will enjoy the football match and I am to convey Her Majesty's warm good wishes to you and to your friend Leo for the future," the letter read
After this crushing upset, Charlie mused: "Was worth a try."

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