Wednesday 11 March 2015

Nigerian military are updating on their progress fighting Boko Haram - Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan says the Nigerian military are updating him on daily basis about the war on terror and the progress they (military) are making to put end to the activities of Boko Haram in the country.

The president said this on his facebook page.
''I am daily updated about the war on terror and the progress being consistently made by the Nigerian military. Let me say that I am proud of the valour displayed by the officers and men of our security services. As the Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, I commend our military for their gallantry in confronting and rolling back terrorists and enemies of Nigeria. This is only the beginning. Just as I assured our troops when I visited them at the front and all Nigerians during my last Presidential Media Chat, we will not relent until every inch of Nigerian territory is retaken and the insurgency is defeated. Never again shall Nigerian territory be occupied by terrorists! We remain grateful to our troops and we will continue to support them by ensuring they have the best training and equipment as well as enhanced conditions of service. God bless Nigeria and I invite all Nigerians to join me in saying ‪#‎VictoryForNigeria‬.''

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