Wednesday 27 January 2016

Speech by Buhari on occasion of his condolence visit to the 9th Kenya Rifles, Eldoret

Speech By His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari President Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria On The Occasion Of His Condolence Visit To The 9th Kenya Rifles, Eldoret On 27th January 2016


I received the tragic news of the attack on Kenyan soldiers by terrorists at their El Adde base in Somalia with anguish and shock. Myself, the Government and People of Nigeria share in your pain and grief and stand with you in solidarity in this moment of great loss and mourning. As a country, Nigeria has had her fair share of dastardly acts committed by Boko Haram. Elsewhere in other parts of Africa and the Middle East and across the world, terrorists have continued to inflict pain and misery on innocent civilians and security personnel alike.

2. Indeed, the threat posed to global peace and security by terrorists is enormous even as they continually strategize and grow in sophistication in order to strengthen their capacity to cause havoc.

3. Your Excellency, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, terrorists should not have a place in our communities, villages, towns, cities and countries. We must all rise against the culture of intolerance, hatred and extremist ideologies, which drive terrorism. We must also be firm against radicalization and all those who promote values and principles that threaten our unity and cohesion as a people. Together, we can and shall defeat terrorists, their sponsors and sympathizers.

4. In this regard, Nigeria stands in solidarity and is willing to work with Kenya and indeed other African countries and the global community at large with a view to defeating these undesirable elements. We must take the battle to the terrorists whoever they are and wherever they are. This requires commitment, sacrifice, resources, collaboration and above all a realization that no country is immune to the scourge, as terrorists do not respect national boundaries, race, colour, religion or creed.

5. I salute the bravery and patriotism of our men and women in uniform in Kenya, Nigeria and around the world who have remained faithful and committed to the cause of ensuring a secure and peaceful world in spite of daunting challenges. In this process of rendering selfless service to their countries and mankind in general, some have had to pay the ultimate price while others have suffered physical, emotional and psychological hurt.

6. I wish to use this occasion to pay tribute to all the fallen heroes of the El Adde attack and pray for the repose of their souls. In our efforts to collaboratively tackle terrorism, it is our sacred duty as leaders, politicians, compatriots and in whatever position we find ourselves to ensure that the blood of these fallen patriots was not shed in vain. I commend the united front presented by the Government and people of Kenya irrespective of affiliations in condemning the attack. I encourage you to sustain this unity and shun using this most tragic event as a cause of divisiveness.

7. To the families and friends of the fallen heroes, we extend our condolences and solidarity; and pray for God to comfort you and give you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. It is indeed painful to lose a loved one but please be comforted by the fact that they fought for a noble and just cause. A fight to ensure that others live. Your loved ones will, therefore, forever be remembered and honoured for the sacrifice they made to ensure a stable, peaceful and secure Kenya, Africa and the world.

8. Thank you very much and may God Bless You all.

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