Monday 19 May 2014

Mother of Conjoined 'Baby with 2 Faces' Says her Twins Wake and Cry at Different Times

The mother of conjoined twins born with one body and two heads has described how her 11-day old daughters are already showing 'very separate' personalities. Renee Young told Woman's Day:

'You have to see it to believe it. Sometimes Faith will cry and wake Hope up, who then looks sideways as if to say, "Thanks for that". We are blessed we've got this far. I just find them adorable.'

The babies, Faith and Hope, were christened at Westmead Children's Hospital after their miraculous birth on May 8. They continue to defy medical odds and Ms Young and Mr Howie have maintained a bedside vigil for their daughters who were born with identical faces and two brains. Despite doctors initially telling the couple to terminate the pregnancy, they have been told the girls have a strong chance if they survive the next five weeks.

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