Friday, 3 October 2014

Frail father of British ISIS hostage John Cantlie makes desperate plea for son's release

Paul Cantlie, 81, speaks with difficulty from his hospital bed for the safe return of his son, John Cantlie. The 43-year-old photojournalist was abducted in Syria in 2012, and his father had not seen him until a propaganda video surfaced recently.

The frail father of British ISIS hostage John Cantlie made a desperate plea to the terror group from his hospital bed to release his son.

Paul Cantlie, 81, said he felt a rush of bittersweet emotions when he saw his son for the first time since his abduction in 2012 — in a propaganda video for the Islamic State.
“For the first time in almost two years, we saw John when he made a televised broadcast during which he told viewers that he was still a prisoner of the Islamic State and that maybe he will live and maybe he will die,” said the elder Cantlie, with help from a voice aid, the UK Mirror reported.
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