Sunday 14 June 2015

Video captures the terrifying moment a spider bursts out of a banana

A chilling video captured the exact moment a spider bursts out of a banana after seemingly being trapped inside. The person videoing subtitles the clip saying he just wanted to eat a banana,' as the camera pans into the fruit. As the focus is sharpened, it's clear there is some funny goings on inside the skin, helped by the person highlighting some movement inside. There are a few more seconds of shifting within, before worryingly the banana actually moves due to the force. Then a hole is made by whatever is inside. The hole is continaully worked on, and then to give a clue what might be inside, two legs poke out from inside. The anticipation continues to grow, and just as it seems the spider has gone quiet, the hole is widened and out springs the arachnid. The video then fades to black with the words 'I ate an apple,' taking centre stage. Watch below

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