Monday 19 January 2015

Photos of Muna Obiekwe on a dialysis machine, prior to his death

Picture of the talented Nollywood actor, Muna Obiekwe on a dialysis machine, prior to his death. He collapsed at home and they rushed him to the hospital where doctors confirmed him dead on arrival. He died of kidney failure in an undisclosed hospital in Lagos.

According to a source close to the actor, Muna has been battling renal related ailment but has kept it secret for a long time before informing the president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Ibinabo Fiberesima who has since been in touch with him. The source further stated that that actor’s drinking habit may not be unconnected to his death.

Until his death, the Enugu based actor was one of the controversial actors in the Nigerian movie industry dubbed Nollywood. Muna, who has a knack for acting romantic scenes

Source: The Nation

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