Wednesday 21 January 2015

Pres. Jonathan to tell his friends on Facebook his achievements in the last 4 years

The president has said he will get back to his facebook friends in a couple of days what he has achieved base on the mandate given to him four years ago. He posted this on facebook and wrote:

My dear friends on Facebook,
In the following days and weeks, I would be reporting back to you on what I have done with the mandate you gave me four years ago.
In many ways, I see you as a special constituency of mine because of the love and support you have shown me on this page since I came on Facebook on the 28th of June 2010.
At that time, the Average Life Expectancy in Nigeria was 47 years. Five years down the line, working together, we have succeeded in increasing Nigeria's Average Life Expectancy to 54 years as at today and climbing.
And the government I head will not rest on its oars in improving all our health indices to make sure that Nigerians not only live longer lives, but that we live better quality lives.
And unity is our tool in this regard. The type of unity with which Nigeria defeated the Ebola Virus 
Disease will be harnessed for use in tackling the challenges in our health sector. Already, we are equipping and upgrading facilities in our teaching hospitals and many are carrying out surgeries they never could, because of equipment.
Only last year, the United Nations certified Nigeria Guinea Worm free. I am reliably informed that not before long, we will also be certified free of the Wild Polio Virus.
This is progress. This is Transformation. This is ‪#‎ForwardNigeria‬. GEJ

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