Thursday 3 December 2015

Impeachment proceedings opened against Brazil's President Rousseff

The Speaker of the Brazil's lower house of Congress, Eduardo Cunha opened impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff on Wednesday.

According to the Daily Mail, Cunha's open proceedings against Rousseff based on accusations her government broke fiscal responsibility laws by using money from state-run banks to fill budget gaps and pay for government social spending but she has denied any wrong doing.

"I've committed no illicit act, there is no suspicion hanging over me of any misuse of public money," she said in a nationally televised statement. "I don't have any offshore bank accounts, I have no hidden assets."

A special committee with members from all parties will decide on the merits of the request, which needs two-thirds, or 342, of the votes in the lower house. She would then be suspended pending a 180-day trial by the Senate.

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