Saturday 5 December 2015

ISIS calls California shooters "Supporters" of terror group

The Islamic State militant's official radio station has aired a statement saying the deadly shooting which killed 14 and wounded 21 in San Bernardino, California was carried out by two "supporters" of the extremist group.

While praising the attack, the group stopped short of claiming responsibility for it. The Al-Bayan report Saturday echoed a claim carried Friday by the IS-affiliated Aamaq news agency.

The radio report did not refer to Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, pictured, as actual members of the Islamic State group. Militants affiliated with IS who carry out attacks are commonly referred to in the group's propaganda as "lions," ''fighters" or "mujahedeen."

The couple took police on a manhunt after the attack. They were killed in a shootout with police the same day.

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